The Music Council of Germany

The Music Council of Germany (Deutscher Musikrat - DMR) was established in 1953 to play a leading role in the music life of Federal Republic of Germany. The Council was subsequently admitted to the International Music Council, a nongovernmental organisation of UNESCO.

Owing to the initiatives of the Council in Germany, numerous programmes are carried out to support over 8 million people with passion for music.

DMR represents various kinds of music in the social life of Germany and through manifold projects enables the interested to engage in musical activity.
Apart from that the Council fulfils political and cultural functions. Some of the most important tasks of DMR concern amending the Artists' Social Insurance Act (Künstlersozialversicherungsgesetz) and regulating the law of copyrights and founding rights.

The Music Council of Germany constitutes a reliable source of information about music and it represents, being entitled to, musical interests in education and cultural policy at home and abroad.

DMR receives funding from the national budget and 16 German states, from foundations and sponsors as well as from the Council's members.

It is the first time the Music Council of Germany has participated in the International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn. Thank You and Welcome!